When Aamir Khan's 'Satyamev Jayate' debuted on 6th May on Star Plus, it created a national hysteria with just the 1st episode. Millions of viewers thronged to their television sets in anticipation and Indians living abroad tried to catch a glimpse of the episode online.
Well, the show has garnered a positive response from all sections of the country including celebrities, the media, NRIs and the country people. Everyone has been congratulating Aamir on social networking sites including veteran actor Dilip Kumar who said that Aamir deserved the compliments for the TV show and that he was proud of him.
What no other show, celebrity or government could manage to do, Aamir has done! 'Satyamev Jayate' has had such a social impact that it's raised a national awareness. So much so that three days after the show aired on Star Plus and Doordarshan, the Madhya Pradesh health department decided to take severe action against 65 pregnancy termination centers across the state by suspending their licenses. Even the government of Maharashtra was all praises for Aamir for the social cause he was highlighting through his show.
But that's not all. Aamir met with Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Wednesday where the two addressed the media. Gehlot was so impressed with Khan for raising an alarm on the malpractice of female feticide rampant in his state that he offered to bring up this issue with the state chief justice of Rajasthan so that justice could be delivered. On his show, Aamir had appealed to the government of Rajasthan to try the cases in a special fast track court so that the victims could get justice soon.
Speculations are rife that the themes for his upcoming episodes will focus on child sexual abuse and the plight of Indian farmers who end up committing suicide. But Aamir's known for keeping a secret so one can tell what to expect next!
As the hottest trend online, every single person has only two words on their lips: 'Satyamev Jayate'.